Dog Licensing
Per the City’s Animal Control Code, every person owning or having the care, custody or control of any dog age six (6) months or older is required to license that animal. Licenses issued annually beginning January 1 and are due by February 28 each year. Dogs reaching age of six (6) months and animals new to town may be licensed any time during the year. To apply for license at City Hall, provide veteranarian’s proof of rabies shot and spay or neuter.
- Spayed or Neutered Dogs $5
- Dogs not spayed or neutered $20
- Late Penalty Fee (per animal) $15
No person shall keep more than three (3) dogs over six (6) months of age without first obtaining a dog fancier’s permit from the City of Wells. Permit requirements include application and inspection. Apply at City Hall.
- Keeping of said animals must not violate any laws.
- Premises must contain an adequate enclosure.
- Maintenance of dogs will not endanger the peace, health or safety of persons residing in the City.
- Premises must be maintained in clean and sanitary condition.
- Dogs therein will not be subject to neglect, cruelty or abuse.
- Keeping and maintaing the dogs will not constitute a nuisance.
Fancier Permits are granted for up to six adult dogs for purpose of showing in recognized dog shows, field or obedience trials; for working or hunting; or for improving the variety of breed with a view to exhibition in shows or trials.
Owners or custodians of dogs shall provide suitable collar or harness with the license tag issued by the City and required innoculation tags affixed to it.
The running at large of all animals in the City of Wells is hereby declared to be a nuisance is hereby prohibited.
The keeping of inhererntly dangerous or vicious dogs (pit bull dogs) shall be subject to special requirements including but not limited to leash, indoor confinement, liability insurance and notification of escape. Inquire at City Hall for specifics.
For additional information see Title 7, Chapter 5, Wells City Code.